Thursday, November 12, 2009

Screw tarboush rock on naeb =D

Hey ya'll as far as i can remember the last time i updated was 2 weeks ago. Been really busy.. Had cousins and aunt down from aussie. Wonderfull people to have as your family. What would life be without family. They're there for you 24-7 since they day you came out from your mums lil hole. Lol. Anyways since pmr has ended well i have been practically going out almost everyday with friends and always the same place mahathirs hse then pyramid =D. Cant get bored of it cause his one of my good friends besides nik faris and a few others. Nik my brown friend from another brownn mother lol my mum is white, monday its your chance mann... Take it man. Never let go golden opportunities man especially if its the gurl you wanna be with. You guys know who the gurl is. You guys will make a good couple. Honestly man. You guys are like... ermmm.... OPRAH and WINFREY. Without Winfrey theres no Oprah and without Oprah theres no Winfrey =D.. Do it in rainforest.. its the perfect surrounding even anis wants a lil show(NAEB SHISHA MAKER) and derar is home =D.. According to him he said he bought me a shisha pipe. My dad called him a terrorist that day when i told him he is coming back and im going out with hiim. Lol.. Me mahathir nik and aliya watch the fourth kind on monday.. Dannngggggggg thats some scary shit and its a true story D=.. DAMMMMMNNNNN!!! Im currently listening to meatloaf. Awesome dude and tomorrow will be going to pyramid. Will be cutting my hair mohawk piercing my ears and putting a tattoo too. Thats enough said. You'll see =D.. Here's some pics from monday. Enjoy.

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